SWAP – Cuckaroo29s – pool info
Webchain – no longer offered – pool info
Krunzy.com mining pools
Swap pool is born! Swap uses a Cuckaroo29s PoW. We are excited to announce our second globalized mining pool this time for the Swap project. Formerly known as the Free Haven Protocol, Swap seeks to bring a fair, efficient and stable blockchain to the crypto ecosystem. See Swap’s announcement for more details.
We have learned much from our first foray into the blockchain and mining pools. Mostly, the crypto community is a passionate community. As passion goes Swap is about an 11 out of 10. We wanted to make sure we had solid well tested pools running the latest code. We are there.
At the very least, increasing interest in blockchain technologies is what is at the heart of Krunzy.com. As such, we pick new pools not necessarily by profit alone but what could increase interest in blockchain. As such, active development and emerging technologies with passionate discourse is imperative. Swap has all three.
Pools are but one part of blockchain yet very important. Mining pools should embody decentralization. As such, we believe pools should provide multiple geographic locations. Not just for low ping but to truly be decentralized. Each pool server runs as its own node. As such, we strive to launch to three pools each with their own node. Mining on the globalized node also ensures a smooth fail over if one of the pool nodes is lost.
Mining Pools – web front end for mining info and stats
Global – swap.pool.krunzy.com
North America – us.swap.pool.krunzy.com
Europe – eu.swap.pool.krunzy.com
Asia/ Pacific – ap.swap.pool.krunzy.com
Mining Nodes – mining endpoints to point your miner – low ping and stable
Global – swap.mine.krunzy.com
North America – Central US – us.swap.mine.krunzy.com
Europe – Germany – eu.swap.mine.krunzy.com (available upon request)
Asia/ Pacific – Singapore – ap.swap.mine.krunzy.com (available upon request)
NOTE: other mining stratum servers can be created upon request
Starting Variable and Static Difficulty Ports in Graphs/s
2222 – 1 VariDiff
3333 – 8 VariDiff
4444 – 16 VariDiff
5555 – 32 VariDiff
More information on port setup, static difficulty, payment ids, etc. can be found on the pools.
If you require different difficulties or a mining pool closer to your location please contact us so we can discuss.
We have just completed the deployment of the new Krunzy Webchain Pool. The pool is fully globalized and will auto select the mining pool closest to the miner. The web UI is also fully globalized making the site responsive from any corner of the globe. Please note, globalization is based on regional proximity. So, if the mining rig is in Russia but you access the web UI from Fiji you will not see your miner. This is because the globalization region is determined by request location. Please keep this in mind.
Enriching the web UI started with the webchain-pool application’s UI. There has been some reskinning and additional instructions to help new users. Part of the reskinning was the addition of the new Font Awesome content delivery network (cdn) and refreshing of the fonts. Last, a Webchain widget has been added showing market information.
Before any changes were made to the web experience, the new design had to cater to the novice entering the mining space. Webchain, which is CPU mineable, is definitely a gateway for new miners. To improve the new miner experience we improved instructions and increased the frequency of payouts.
NOTE: At block height 2,022,222 Webchain will fork to a new proof of work (PoW). The new PoW is lyra2. Please make sure to have the latest webchain-miner to avoid interruption. A new wallet and daemon are also available.
NOTE: Webchain pools have been taken down. This decision was mostly financial as we are looking for new pool opportunities.
Also, Webchain/ MintMe will no longer be mined in the near future.
That said, we still like the path MintMe is moving in with the crowdfunding idea. Checkout our Krunzy token on MintMe.
Mining Pools – web front end for mining info and stats
Global – webchain.pool.krunzy.com
North America – US – us.webchain.pool.krunzy.com
Europe – eu.webchain.pool.krunzy.com
Asia/ Pacific – ap.webchain.pool.krunzy.com
Mining Nodes – mining endpoints to point your miner – low ping and stable
Global – webchain.mine.krunzy.com
North America – Central US – us.webchain.mine.krunzy.com
Europe – Germany – eu.webchain.mine.krunzy.com (available upon request)
Asia/ Pacific – Singapore – ap.webchain.mine.krunzy.com (available upon request)
NOTE: other mining stratum servers can be created upon request as need arises
Starting Variable and Static Difficulty Ports
1111 – 1000 VariDiff
2222 – 10000 VariDiff
3333 – 25000 StaticDiff
4444 – 75000 StaticDiff
5555 – 150000 StaticDiff
If you require different difficulties or a mining pool closer to your location please contact us so we can discuss.
We really hope you like the changes and any constructive comments are welcome.